Thursday, March 19, 2009


This link was sent to me, and I think its a great idea, so check it out!

Monday, March 16, 2009

More of an IDIOT....

So, this is how my day started. I got out of bed. Okay... we'll jump to the 'How my work day' started. I get a ticket to "Install a Printer". Simple enough. Trying to be ahead of the game, I decide I'll call the user first, find out what kind of print device she is using, download the drivers so I can easily install the necessary software. This is how the conversation went:

Me: This is Nick with the helpdesk.
Her: Hi.
Me: I understand you need a printer hooked up?
Her: Yes.
Me: Okay, what kind is it.
Her: HP.
Me: Okay... what KIND of printer?
Her: HP.
Me: Okay... what is the NUMBER on the printer?
Her: I don't know.
Me: Okay... can you look?
Her: Its in the other room.
Me: Ah. Okay, well what room is that?
Her: The room next to mine!
Me: Ma'am.. there are lots of rooms in HQ, can you plese tell me the room number?
Her: *gives me a room number*

At this point, everyone in my office is laughing at me, and tell me "good luck".

I take a deep breath and go on my way to help out this pleasent person. To my surprise, the HP (a 6300 to anyone that cares), was already in the room. I decide the first thing to do is remove her old printer, which I was moving "next door". I get to the next room, with the printer in hand, and ask her "Where do you want this to go?" She responds "Well, where CAN it go?" I smiled to myself, but bit my tounge. I then re-asked her "Well... it can go anywhere... where do you want it?" "Well, it has to be hooked up to a computer right?" "Only if you want it to print ma'am."


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yesterday I'm assigned a ticket for a VIP, a new director needs to have her computer setup and configured for her stay here at HQ. Now, I ASSUME (yes, I know what assuming does), that VIP stands for Very Incompetent Person, because that is the kind of person you get when the "VIP" box is checked yes.

So, I head upstairs, and I introduce myself to said VIP, and tell her what I'll be doing, and hand her a piece of paper that she needs to fill out to have her Blackberry authorized. By the look on her face, you would have thought I crapped in my hand and flung it at her. She asked, "Well, can't you do it for me?"
"No ma'am, I can not put your signature on this form."
So, I go into her office, configure her computer, get everything setup, tell her she is setup and that I will check on her tomorrow morning to make sure everythig is working fine.

A few hours later...

I pass her "assistant" as she is leaving my office, and she looks at me and tells me that the password I gave the VIP is wrong, and she can not log into the system. Mind you, this is the password I USED to get into her system in the first place to configure her files. So, we gave them a new password to use, and they continuted to complain that there was something wrong. They then accused me of swapping out keyboads, and giving them one that uses a foreign language. Yes, thats right. They THOUGHT I GAVE THEM A FOREIGN KEYBOARD!!

This morning...

Sticking true to my word, I take a deep breath, smile, and walk upstairs to check on my All-Stars. Sure enough, her assistant is there to greet me, I ask if the VIP is in, she says yes. She then tells me that there where other issues with the computer, and that I screwed up the configuration, and she STILL couldn't get in. She wouldn't tell me what the problem was, all she would tell me is "I called your boss, and he had to help us." I begin walking to the VIPs office, she is watching me go to the closed door. She stares at me while I knock on the door. She then advises me that she is not in her office, she is at an orientation class. Thanks. As far as the "Screw up" was concerned, the new "Director" was typing in her passord.... with MY NAME in the 'LOGIN' field!


(I'm sure the title to this post has been used by someone before, but I did come up with it on my own, and I'm VERY proud of it)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ah, THERE it is!

As luck would have it, this is post is actually a pt. II of the previous one. In fairness to the user, he is not the one that opened the ticket, that however, does NOT excuse what he told me when I got there.

User: Can you also take a look at my speakers, I can't seem to get any sound.
(can anyone guess where this is going?)
Me: Sure, let me see...[Nick presses "Mute" button and "Up" on the Volume. Music begins to play]
User: What did you?
Me: Oh the...umm... volume button was stuck.


English Anyone?

Remedy is the software we use for recieving Helpdesk tickets. Its a fairly straight forward program, users type a "Subject" of the problem, choose a catergory that it should go under, then write a little summary of said issue. Every now and then, we get some gems of a ticket, take for example the one I just recieved. I Sh*t you not, this is what the WHOLE ticket stated:

"Excel keeps asking erroring out"


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The honor goes too...

How I'm actually going to format this, I'm not quite sure yet, so for now, I'm just going to post comments and conversations as they happen on a case by case basis. So, my first "USER" (acroynm TBD) Award goes to:

Them: I’m getting duplicate copies of emails in my inbox , as well as the PST folders. Help!!!!
Me: So, you're recieving a total of 4 copies of an email?
Them: No two
Me: *sigh*

My Mishon Statemint

My original intent was just to catalouge daily events in the IT Technician field. The normal day to day occurances, and the wonderfully intelligent people that I come across as I make my daily rounds. I understand alot of this is going to be lost on people, (Them: I think my NIC Card!) but, as I don't see this blog reaching a much larger base than my friends, most of you will either get it, or just ignore me, which I'm use to by now.

However, even as I write this, I forsee the many different directions this is going to go. I'm sure at somepoint I'll start linking any/all photography sessions I go on, which if a certain webmaster will update the server, I can get a working site to accompany the link to

I'm even toying with the idea's of doing some kind of technical reference... mainly for my own good, where people can post any problems they're having with computer related software where we all can go for some troubleshooting ideas.

Who knows, maybe (and by 'maybe' I mean most likely) this will all just turn into a giant posting of happy hour stoires, World of Warcraft jokes, and endless quotes from "Arrested Development".

For now, I'm making like a tree, and getting the hell out.