Friday, April 3, 2009

The Ticket that could have been....

Yesterday, before I made my morning rounds... and by rounds I mean go get coffee, my boss says "Nick, I just sent you this ticket. Before you go down there, come get me, I want to see this." So, I laughed it off and said okay, but he was serious. He REALLY wanted me to come get him. So I said, alright, I'll come back and get you in a few minutes. I decided as I was walking downstairs, that I'm going to have a hard enough time keeping a straight face dealing with this user, so I should just handle it myself without my boss enabling me.
To my dismay, the ticket was assigned to the wrong building, so I was not able to actually troubleshoot it, but when you read the subject, I'm sure even the simpliest mind can deduce what the problem was.

Ticket Subject: "No power, computer don't turn on"

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