Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Outlook looks grim

Yesterday, I got a ticket regarding a user not being able to access a shared calender in Outlook. I go upstairs and take a look, and sure enough, the calender is blank. I check her permissions, and everything seems to be in order.
"I really HAVE to see whats in this calender, its very important! Everyone has access to it!" I decide to do some research on my own, but find nothing. She calls me at my desk, restressing the importance of this calender. So, I go back upstairs, do some more looking around, only to find out.....


Friday, April 3, 2009

And the Winner is.......

I really feel like I should just quit blogging after this. I really can't imagine there will be any story that will be able to top this. Looking back at some previous posts, I can make cases for all (Well... most... the foreign keyboard story is pretty bad), of the people I come across, but not this one.

It started off with a ticket stating something to effect of "My margins in Word are off." So, I call down to the user, no answer, so I write an email to her advising her to call/email me back when she is available. About five minutes later I got an email from the Helpdesk stating:
"... is trying to get in touch w/you regarding your message you left her; however, her email is down. She said she is still having computer troubles."

Now, that is bad enough... but it gets BETTER!

I go down to take a look at why she is not recieving emails only to discover....
OUTLOOK WAS NOT OPEN!! (Yes, when outlook was opened, she could recieve emails.)


The Ticket that could have been....

Yesterday, before I made my morning rounds... and by rounds I mean go get coffee, my boss says "Nick, I just sent you this ticket. Before you go down there, come get me, I want to see this." So, I laughed it off and said okay, but he was serious. He REALLY wanted me to come get him. So I said, alright, I'll come back and get you in a few minutes. I decided as I was walking downstairs, that I'm going to have a hard enough time keeping a straight face dealing with this user, so I should just handle it myself without my boss enabling me.
To my dismay, the ticket was assigned to the wrong building, so I was not able to actually troubleshoot it, but when you read the subject, I'm sure even the simpliest mind can deduce what the problem was.

Ticket Subject: "No power, computer don't turn on"

The Password is:

This doesn't really rate very high on the ID10T scale, but I'm going to post it because the conversation that took place to resolve the issue frustrated me. I recieved a ticket regarding setting up a users Blackberry. So, I go up there, and he tells me that he needs a password for it. I was like.. umm.. okay.. put a password in.
"No, I mean I need THE password for it, I don't know what it is." Befuddled by his request, I asked to see his blackberry. Sure enough, his Blackberry had been setup, and was configured to him. I knew this because the BLACKBERRY SAID WELCOME *insert user name here*!! So I ask him if he was here when he setup the bb, and he said he was. I was like okay... well... what password did you use?
"Oh, I never setup a password."
Now, mind you, THE FIRST STEP to setting up a Blackberry is configuring a password.
If you forget your password, thats fine, just admit it. I'm far less likely to write about you if you're honest with me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

When it rains....

My lack of posts lately is not due to the people in my building suddenly becoming computer smart, I've just been more tolerant of "Special" people lately. Thankfully, yesterday changed that.

I recieved a ticket regarding "Excel not printing properly", so I went up to the room to investigate. Turns out, the person who was requesting assitance was in fact, one of the women who accused me of giving them a foreign keyboard.
"Excels not printing right" is how I was greeted. So I proceeded to follow up with the normal questions.. How long has it been not printing right? What is wrong about it? yada yada. "It ain't printing everything." So I ask her to show me what she means. She clicks print, selects a printer, however, the printer does not print anything. "Oh yeah, its doing that too!" Well, I take a look at the screen, and right there in the top right corner "Out of Paper, Please reload". So, I roll my eyes, and load the paper. She clicks print, again nothing happens. Turns out, she was printing to the WRONG printer. Now, if that was the 'only' issue, I probablly wouldn't even blog about it because she was attempting to print to a Xerox printer, and apparently her computer is mapped to two different Xerox printers (I can only imagine the frustration the users of the OTHER printer must be feeling having to wait for this woman to print a 150 page document, who isn't even in their office), so its an honest mistake to make.
I wish I could say the same for the rest of the conversation.
"Lemme show you what I mean..." she goes through the process of printing, and selects the "Print Pages: " button... but she doesn't input a number. The printer begins printing the 150 page document. So I jump in, and stop the print job and pick up what printed. I had the forsight to change the setting to "Landscape" hoping to make just an outright fool of her. This was not the case.
"See, it don't print everything!"
"Well, let me take a look."
I begin scrolling through the document, which is a list of contacts. The columns go from "A" to AB"! I tried to explain to her that the document is too long to print.
"Well, what if I put it on an 11 by 13?"
"You'll more likely need an 11 by 100"

*pre-post edit*
I tried typing out the rest of the conversation, but it really is just a waste of time. The only thing that was accomplished in that particular five minute segment of my life was that she did not undersand the concept of the document being too wide to be able to print. She then wanted me to import an Excel file into Access. I told her that is not possible (if it is, please let me know).
This too, took another several minutes to explain.